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Events procedure

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure is effective from 23 May 2022.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Procedure establishes the principles and processes for delivering University events.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to:

  1. University events held on or off campus;
  2. external events held on University campus/es.
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Section 4 - Policy

(4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Public Relations and Marketing Policy.

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Section 5 - Procedure

University events

(5) Deakin events are designed to showcase research, engage current and prospective students, alumni and donors, strengthen government relations, and build and maintain strategic partnerships. Deakin events must:

  1. have a clearly defined purpose that is consistent with Deakin’s values and strategic objectives;
  2. be delivered in an impactful, professional, inclusive way;
  3. be financially responsible;
  4. consider the appropriate format (i.e. virtual or in person);
  5. follow required protocols outlined on DeakinHub;
  6. consider and mitigate environmental sustainability impacts; and
  7. follow Deakin brand guidelines.

(6) The University is committed to freedom of speech and academic freedom. Deakin will not restrict or burden events except as permitted in accordance with the Code for Upholding Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom.

(7) Events must have an event organiser, nominated by the Head of the Organisational Unit proposing the event. Event organisers are responsible for:

  1. ensuring the event is underpinned by the Deakin event principles;
  2. ensuring there is an appropriate budget allocated for the event;
  3. logging the event details in the Event Registration System at least four weeks prior to the event day, which will automatically provide a low, medium or high risk rating for the event;
  4. completing the risk rating control checklist generated by the Event Registration System at least four weeks prior to the event day;
  5. planning and executing the event in accordance with the relevant processes on DeakinHub;
  6. ensuring event staff, contractors and volunteers are properly trained, inducted, managed and supervised;
  7. ensuring health and safety standards are upheld during event planning, set up and execution;
  8. ensuring approved DeakinHub documentation is used and records are retained.

(8) Where an event is held over multiple campuses, the event organiser must log each campus event separately in the Event Registration System.

(9) Events that have one or more of the following factors will be generate a high-risk rating by Event Registration System and must be approved by the Director, Venues and Events:

  1. the event may attract significant attention from media or key stakeholders
  2. you are planning to invite a high-level visitor
  3. the Vice-Chancellor initiated the event
  4. there is a risk of underage drinking or excessive alcohol consumption
  5. pyrotechnics will be used at the event
  6. the event will attract 1,000 patrons or more.

(10) The Director, Venues and Events will review all events deemed high risk by the Event Registration System and may:

  1. approve the event and provide event management advice
  2. approve the event subject to implementing mandatory event management advice and instructions
  3. not approve the event.

(11) Events held on a Deakin Campus must use a Deakin food operator located on campus to provide catering for the event unless approval is received from Campus Services' Hospitality Manager, Food to engage another supplier. Refer to DeakinHub for further information regarding catering exemptions.

External events

(12) External events must:

  1. align with the University’s values and strategic objectives and event principles
  2. be approved by the Director, Venues and Events
  3. be managed through the University Events team.
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Section 6 - Definitions

(13) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. Event:
    1. a formalised gathering to achieve a certain outcome
    2. a vehicle to showcase or promote Deakin’s teaching, learning or research (including campus tours)
    3. a planned public or targeted occasion of particular importance with a level of formality requiring invitations to be sent out rather than a calendar hold  
    4. a group gathering that has an element of reputational or operational risk attached to it.
  2. External event: Events held on a Deakin Campus by an external organisation, including events hosted by Deakin tenants such as Geelong Arts Centre, Deakin Active and Brother Fox.
  3. Event Registration System: an event organisation platform specifically designed to calculate risk and ensure events follow correct Deakin processes and policies. University events and external events expected to be logged in the Event Registration System include but are not limited to:
    1. divisional
    2. faculty
    3. community
    4. corporate
    5. commercial
    6. alumni
    7. philanthropic
    8. student (including those hosted by the Deakin University Student Association (DUSA) and Deakin Residential Services (DRS))
    9. student recruitment
    10. Deakin tenants.
  4. Event organiser: a University employee coordinating a Deakin event or acting as the primary point of contact for an external hirer or contractor.
  5. High-level visitors include:
    1. regal and vice-regal visitor
    2. senior politician and government official at Federal or State levels
    3. former Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor of Deakin University and current or former Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor, or equivalent, from other universities
    4. high-profile international and Australian academic, such as Nobel Prize winner, and other high-profile visiting expert
    5. senior representative from local government, community, commercial, cultural or educational organisations.