(1) This Policy is effective from 21 June 2022. (2) This Policy supports the effective resolution of workplace relations matters in accordance with the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2023 (2023 EA) and relevant policies and procedures. (3) This Policy applies to all staff of the University unless otherwise excluded in the 2023 EA. (4) The University is committed to promoting a workplace culture that encourages the prompt and effective resolution of any complaint, dispute or grievance arising out of employment at the University and will focus on resolving such matters at the local level wherever possible. (5) The University has prescribed a range of complaint processes in the Complaints: Discrimination, Harassment, Victimisation and Vilification (Staff) Procedure, Workplace Bullying procedure and the 2023 EA. Where possible, staff are encouraged to exhaust internal processes to resolve their concerns prior to referring a matter to an external organisation. (6) The University acknowledges that sound management of workplace change requires the involvement of the people directly affected by the change and is committed to a process of regular communication and consultation throughout the period of change. (7) The University acknowledges the right of staff to take lawful industrial action in accordance with this Policy, the 2023 EA and the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). (8) The University acknowledges the entitlement of staff to lodge complaints about administrative actions and decisions of the University with the Victorian Ombudsman. A staff member may choose to refer a matter to the Ombudsman at any stage, but this normally occurs after the exhaustion of all internal complaints processes. (9) All major workplace change will be conducted in accordance with clause 58 of the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2023 (2023 EA). (10) Where a leader is considering major workplace change (see clause 58.2 and 58.3 of the 2023 EA), the leader must first consult with their Head of Organisational Unit and seek advice from People and Culture. (11) Major workplace change proposals require the endorsement of the Head of Organisational Unit and the approval of the Vice-Chancellor or nominee and with support provided by People and Culture. (12) The University acknowledges that staff may participate in protected industrial action in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). (13) Staff must notify their leaders prior to their absence to participate in protected industrial action to enable arrangements to be made to meet the operational requirements of their work area. (14) Staff who are absent from work to support protected industrial action will have their pay deducted for the time they are absent. (15) Staff who attend a meeting coordinated by a staff representative group during working hours will have their pay deducted, except where they attend such meetings during their lunch break, or where the Chief People and Culture Officer or nominee has notified staff they may attend a meeting on a paid basis. (16) During protected industrial action, staff members must behave reasonably and in accordance with the Code of Conduct. (17) Staff will report inappropriate behavior during any period of protected industrial action to their leader. Such reports may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Staff Discipline procedure. (18) Where staff are unable to enter the campus or University buildings due to protected industrial action, they must contact the relevant leader, who will provide them with appropriate advice. (19) Staff may call the police to deal with incidents where an unlawful action has occurred, or has been alleged to have occurred. (20) For the purpose of this Policy:Workplace Relations policy
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Staff consultation (major workplace change)
Protected industrial action
Section 6 - Definitions
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