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Admission Process, Enrolment, Fees and Charges policy

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Policy is effective from 19 September 2019.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Policy outlines the University's administrative requirements regarding the process of admission, enrolment and fees and charges for students.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Policy applies to all University units and courses except higher degrees by research (HDR), short courses and Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses.

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Section 4 - Policy

(4) The University may admit to its courses, persons who meet eligibility criteria subject to relevant selection policies and procedures.

(5) All persons studying at the University must enrol or re-enrol each year.

(6) The University will provide enrolment information and course planning advice to students and prospective students.

(7) The University may determine a quota of places for each course or unit.

(8) In accordance with external and University legislation, the University will levy fees and amend the amounts from time to time.

(9) The Vice-Chancellor will determine fees charged to students.

(10) The University will provide comprehensive and accessible information on fees and charges for students and will ensure that their administration is consistent with the published information and in accordance with the legislation and relevant University policies and procedures.

(11) The University reserves the right to exclude, terminate or discontinue a student's enrolment.

(12) The University will publish dates on the Deakin University website each year detailing the academic and financial penalties associated with unit or course withdrawals.

(13) The University will ensure that:

  1. information about course and unit requirements are accurately communicated to students in a timely fashion
  2. enrolment processes are clear, fair, transparent, inclusive and consistent across the University
  3. the high quality of enrolment services is maintained and continually improved.

(14) Students are responsible for:

  1. planning their enrolment to meet course and unit requirements
  2. ensuring their enrolment and personal details as recorded by the University are correct
  3. ensuring they complete their course within the Maximum Period of Study for the course
  4. maintaining their enrolment in accordance with University-approved processes as outlined on the University website
  5. ensuring all their fees and charges are paid by the due dates
  6. ensuring their enrolment complies with their visa requirements, where applicable.

(15) After receiving a place in a course, applicants may apply to defer their studies for up to 24 months or for longer periods in special circumstances.

(16) After commencing a course, a student may apply for intermission of up to 12 months, or for longer periods in special circumstances.

(17) A student may withdraw from any course or unit at their discretion. However, students must consider the possible consequences of a withdrawal on future course progress, availability of units, fees, status as a student and scholarships.

(18) A student may apply to undertake study at another Australian tertiary institution or at an overseas tertiary institution and have their approved studies credited towards their Deakin University degree.

(19) Subject to meeting the minimum eligibility criteria for Admission (see Admission Criteria and Selection (Higher Education Courses) policy) a person who wishes to complete a single unit of study offered by the University without undertaking an award course may apply for admission as a non-award student.

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Section 5 - Procedure

(20) The Admission Process, Enrolment, Fees and Charges procedure documents how to comply with this Policy.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(21) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Academic year: the period from the first day of the first study period of any year to the day preceding the first day of the study period of the following year, both inclusive.
  2. Admission: authorised entry to an award or non-award course.
  3. Course: a set of units or a higher degree by research program approved by the Academic Board, and which when satisfactorily completed normally qualifies a student for an award of the University.
  4. Defer: the approved postponement of study for a specified period prior to the first enrolment in a course.
  5. Enrol: the process of completing all required procedures including the payment of all prescribed fees and charges for the course and/or units to be undertaken by the student and/or the status which results from the completion of the process.
  6. Intermission: the approved suspension of study by a student after enrolling in a course, usually for a total period of not more than one Academic Year.
  7. Maximum Period of Study: the maximum period of time that may be taken by a student to complete a course of study. The maximum period of study will be determined according to the following formula:
    1. Maximum Period of Study = 2n + 1u (not including period of intermission) where 'n' is the number of years or trimesters taken to complete the course when undertaking a full-time load (a full-time load is normally 8 credit points per year) and 'u ' is the length of time taken to complete one unit of study (usually a trimester or a year).
  8. Unit: a component of a course having a discrete designated code and title in which students enrol and complete specific work requirements. A unit is normally:
    1. a quarter of a study period’s workload or approximately 150 hours equivalent of study
    2. carries a specific value towards an award.