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Parking and Use of Vehicles procedure

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure is effective from 4 October 2023.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Procedure sets out the responsibilities and processes related to parking and the use of vehicles on University Property and the use of vehicles for University business.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to vehicles on University Property and the use of vehicles for University business.

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Section 4 - Policy

(4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Vice-Chancellor Regulation 12 ‘University Facilities and Premises’.

(5) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services is authorised to exercise the Vice-Chancellor's powers under regulation 12 through this Procedure.

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Section 5 - Procedure

(6) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services is responsible for:

  1. the care, control and regulation of University Property for vehicular use;
  2. administering the policies and procedures governing the conditions of vehicular use on campus;
  3. the assessment of fees and charges for parking on University Property;
  4. the collection of fees and charges for parking on University Property together with any necessary ancillary information;
  5. the issuing of parking permits;
  6. determining and promulgating:
    1. the date or dates for the payment of fees and charges;
    2. the manner in which fees and charges are to be paid;
    3. the circumstances in which a person may be entitled to a refund of the whole or portion of the fees and charges paid; and
  7. the authorisation and enforcement of penalties to be applied by the University in respect of any vehicle parked on University Property in contravention of the University’s relevant legislation, policies and procedures.

(7) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services  may:

  1. designate roads that are intended for use by vehicles and authorise signage for the flow of traffic (both vehicular and pedestrian) on University Property;
  2. restrict or prohibit the use of particular vehicles on University Property and authorise appropriate signage to be erected on University Property;
  3. designate areas for parking on University Property including areas for free parking, permit parking or restricted parking and may specify the hours and/or days of such restriction. Parking restrictions apply as specified on the Parking website. Accessible parking is available as specified on the Campus access and parking website.
  4. in respect of any vehicle parked in contravention of University’s rules:
    1. authorise an infringement notice or notices to be issued;
    2. authorise the imposition of a fine or fines;
    3. cause that vehicle to be impounded, immobilised or removed from University Property;
    4. require the owner or driver of that vehicle to pay the costs and expenses (if any) of or incidental to, or arising out of, the impounding, immobilisation or removal of the vehicle, and retain control of the vehicle until such time as any such costs and expenses are paid.

(8) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services, if satisfied that there are special circumstances in extenuation of a breach of legislation, University statute, regulation, policy or procedure by a person, may at their discretion, direct that no prosecution in respect of such breach is made by any officer appointed by Deakin University or, where such prosecution has commenced, may direct it to be withdrawn.

(9) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services  may delegate authority to such person or persons they deem fit to:

  1. exercise a power or obligation of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services  under this Procedure; and 
  2. administer any other policies, procedures or practice governing the conditions of vehicular use on campus.

(10) Where the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services delegates powers to an agent, the agent shall be issued with a form of identification signed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services or nominee stating the power so delegated to that agent, and such identification card shall be sufficient authority to the agent to exercise the power so delegated.

(11) The University may additionally seek approval from a Minister of the Crown, Government official or government instrumentality to provide that one or more of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services'  powers under this Procedure be exercised with further authority under Victorian legislation. In the event that such Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services authorisation is obtained by the University, the  will do all things reasonably necessary to ensure the University complies with the conditions of any such authorisation through, for example, appropriate signage, record keeping and reporting. 

Use of vehicles for University business

(12) The University will provide staff and students with access to vehicles for use on University business in accordance with the Guidelines for Use of Vehicles for University Business.

(13) Where there are no University vehicles or share cars available for use:

  1. organisational units may hire a vehicle through one of the University's contracted external rental companies. In these cases the organisational unit is responsible for all costs 
  2. staff members may obtain permission from their manager to use their own private vehicles. Where a staff member’s private vehicle is used, staff can claim reimbursement but it should be noted that private vehicles will not be insured by the University for use on University business.

(14) Only authorised drivers may drive vehicles for University business in accordance with the Guidelines for Use of Vehicles for University Business.

(15) Staff must not use University vehicles, share cars or hire vehicles for personal use without the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University Services  or nominee. Students are not authorised to use University vehicles for personal use.

(16) Staff and students who use vehicles for University business in an unauthorised manner may face disciplinary action in accordance with the Staff Discipline procedure or Student Misconduct procedure.

(17) In the event of an accident involving a:

  1. University vehicle, the authorised driver must follow the instructions specified in the Guidelines for Use of Vehicles for University Business
  2. share or hire vehicle, the authorised driver must follow the instructions provided by the hire vehicle company.
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Section 6 - Definitions

(18) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. authorised driver: a staff member, a student, or an associate who is authorised to drive University vehicle or vehicle used for University business. 
  2. share car: share cars are a flexible and sustainable short-term alternative to traditional rental cars. Share cars are located on all Deakin University campuses and are available for University business and private use. Anyone with a membership can book a share car (students, staff and the general public).
  3. University property: all campuses, land, buildings, other property and facilities owned by or under the control of or occupied by the University.
  4. University vehicle: a vehicle owned by and registered in the name of the University.