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Student Academic Integrity policy

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Policy is effective from 25 September 2017.

(2) This Policy is pursuant to Regulation 4.1(2) - Academic and Research Integrity.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(3) This Policy outlines the principles and responsibilities for promoting and supporting student academic integrity and maintaining academic standards.

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Section 3 - Scope

(4) This Policy applies to staff and current and previous students of the University. Where students conduct research, they must also comply with the Research Conduct policy and the Research Integrity Breaches procedure.

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Section 4 - Policy


(5) The University is committed to honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in academic settings and the promotion of a culture of academic integrity.

(6) The University will uphold academic integrity and apply an educative approach that supports students to use, generate and communicate information in an ethical, honest and responsible manner.

(7) The University will ensure that:

  1. academic integrity is supported through academic policies, course design and assessment standards
  2. all Academic staff are appropriately trained in academic integrity and are familiar with relevant policies and support available for students
  3. all students are provided with genuine and timely opportunities to learn about academic integrity
  4. opportunities for breaches of academic integrity are minimised.

(8) Allegations that students have breached academic integrity will be responded to in a fair, consistent, transparent and timely manner and will be investigated according to the Student Academic Integrity procedure. Outcomes will be applied appropriately and penalties will apply where the behaviour is found to have breached academic integrity.


(9) Staff will:

  1. demonstrate academic integrity to students in accordance with the staff Academic Integrity policy
  2. develop students’ knowledge and skills in relation to academic integrity in accordance with the Student Academic Integrity procedure
  3. ensure assessment design and processes support academic integrity
  4. be fair, consistent, transparent and timely in their dealings with students and colleagues in managing academic integrity issues.

(10) Students will:

  1. be familiar with and apply the principles of academic integrity, including by:
    1. complying with instructions for assessment tasks
    2. submitting their own original work
    3. acknowledging all ideas, designs, words or works of others, including in group assessments, in accordance with expectations of the discipline
    4. taking reasonable steps to prevent their own work from being copied by other students
    5. providing accurate and truthful documentation to the University
  2. encourage other students to act with academic integrity.

(11) Faculties will:

  1. ensure that University requirements relating to student academic integrity are known and practiced by teaching and supervisory staff and that these staff have the skills to enable them to support and teach students to act in accordance with academic integrity
  2. develop and maintain the skills of teaching and supervisory staff to enable them to recognise where students have breached academic integrity
  3. implement approaches in teaching, learning and assessment to enhance students’ academic integrity and minimise opportunities for students to breach academic integrity and take appropriate action where possible breaches are identified
  4. investigate and, where appropriate, act on allegations of breach/es of academic integrity
  5. monitor and report on breaches of academic integrity in accordance with the Student Academic Integrity procedure.

Breaches of academic integrity

(12) Breaches of academic integrity include (but are not limited to):

  Breach Definition
a. Plagiarism A student using other people’s words, ideas, media, research findings or other information as their own without appropriate referencing.
b. Contract cheating A student requesting someone else to produce all or part of an assessment task that is submitted as their own work, including arrangements through a third party.
c. Collusion A student working with another person to submit some or all of the other person’s work as their own or vice versa.
d. Non-compliance with assessment or examination instructions or requirements A student having or providing unauthorised materials relating to the assessment or examination, copying other students’ work, or obtaining or providing information without appropriate permission.
e. Impersonation A student pretending to be someone else, or allowing someone else to pretend to be them, for an assessment task or course requirement.
f. Fraud A student seeking unfair academic advantage through dishonest behaviour, including (but not limited to) providing false or altered information such as medical certificates, academic transcripts and assessment submission receipts.
g. Reuse of previous work A student submitting work previously submitted for assessment in any unit or course, without the permission of the Unit Chair.
h. Promoting ways to breach academic integrity A student sharing information with other students about ways to breach academic integrity or facilitating a breach of academic integrity.

Record keeping

(13) Records of investigations and outcomes of allegations that students have breached academic integrity will be kept centrally.


(14) Faculties will monitor, review and report annually to the Risk and Compliance Office, Faculty Boards and Academic Board on academic integrity.

Third parties

(15) The University will ensure that its standards for academic integrity are maintained in arrangements with any third party involved in the delivery of the University’s courses.

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Section 5 - Procedure

(16) The Student Academic Integrity procedure documents how to comply with this Policy.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(17) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. academic integrity: acting in accordance with the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in academic settings.
  2. faculty: includes any institute that is approved under University Regulations to offer courses.
  3. student: as defined in Regulation 4.1(2) - Academic and Research Integrity.