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Space Management and Allocation procedure

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Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure is effective from 5 January 2023.

(2) The Procedure includes the following schedule:

  1. Schedule A: Space Planning and Utilisation Guidelines.
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Section 2 - Purpose

(3) This Procedure outlines the processes by which space is managed and allocated at the University. This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the Space Management and Infrastructure policy.

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Section 3 - Scope

(4) This Procedure applies to space owned, managed and leased by the University, inclusive of buildings and outdoor spaces, and to all Faculties and Portfolios and staff. This Procedure excludes Student Residences.

(5) This Procedure provides a framework for the optimal use of space through a collaborative partnership approach between Faculties and Portfolios and the Infrastructure and Property.

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Section 4 - Policy

(6) This Procedure is pursuant to the Space Management and Infrastructure policy.

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Section 5 - Procedure

Allocation of space

(7) All requests or applications for additional space will require approval from the Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property or delegate, and must be made using the Space Assessment Request as prescribed by the Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property.

(8) The Request will be assessed in consultation with the applicant and impacted stakeholders.

(9) A space allocation request that requires capital funding will remain unapproved until funding is secured.

(10) The Infrastructure and Property will liaise and consult with Faculties and Portfolios to undertake periodic reviews of space and to identify spaces that are under-utilised or used for purposes not consistent with the original allocation.

(11) Where the space allocation or associated works potentially affect the occupational health and safety of staff, the local line manager is responsible for consulting with staff as per Part 4 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004). This consultation includes the amenities and facilities provided to staff. The Infrastructure and Property will be responsible for providing advance notice of works, information, reminders and support to managers in regard to meeting this obligation. The Infrastructure and Property will also provide regular updates to staff and others who may be affected by works in progress.

(12) Where hazardous activities are carried out in spaces, adequate additional space will be provided so that activities such as write-up and work breaks can occur in a non-hazardous location.

(13) Safety in Design Principles will be applied by the Infrastructure and Property and its contractors in the design, construction, and fitting out of all new or refurbished spaces to meet requirements under Section 28 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. (For further information refer to Deakin University Design Standards for Facilities, the latest version of which can be obtained from the Infrastructure and Property.)

(14) Universal Design principles, where practical, will be applied by the Infrastructure and Property and its contractors in the design, construction, and fitting out of all new or refurbished spaces to meet current best practice requirements for creating inclusive environments.

Management of allocated space

(15) The Infrastructure and Property will establish and maintain a register of all University internal spaces including location, size, use, capacity and allocation details.

(16) Central Finance will be informed annually by the Infrastructure and Property about changes to the use or allocation of space.

(17) Allocated space is managed by the relevant member of the Executive who can approve allocation changes within their assigned space.  The relevant member of the Executive is responsible of maintaining staff location information in the relevant University application.

(18) Changes to the function, purpose or capacity of space, or the installation of equipment including Digital Services assets, will require the approval of the Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property or delegate, in consultation with the relevant Executive member.

(19) Approved works will be undertaken and coordinated by the Infrastructure and Property and/or Digital Services.

(20) Space allocated to external tenants will be managed through Infrastructure and Property. The Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property is responsible for approving and signing all leases to be executed.  The Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property will undertake an assessment prior to any new lease being agreed to ensure the allocation of space to external tenants meets overall space objectives. Space will be allocated where the tenant aligns to the University operations, meets a commercial assessment and is supported by the relevant member of the Executive. The negotiated rent will recognise the tenant's alignment, stage of development and costs to the University of providing the space.

(21) All external tenants will be required to comply with site safety requirements and provide the University with a copy of their current OHS Management System.

Vacated space

(22) Vacated space reverts to the University for reallocation by the Infrastructure and Property. The space may be reassigned to the current Faculties and Portfolios depending on overall University requirements. The process of reallocation will include consultation with relevant Faculty and Portfolio stakeholders.

(23) Where spaces are repurposed to, or from, hazardous work activities or processes, an appropriate risk assessment will be carried out by the Infrastructure and Property.

Campus learning space

(24) The University provides a range of campus learning spaces to accommodate a variety of learning and teaching pedagogies. The Infrastructure and Property will actively monitor the utilisation of campus learning spaces and review enrolment projections in order to inform timetabling and space planning for growth. Consultation will take place with key stakeholders, including Faculties, Deakin Learning Futures and Digital Services to inform planning for campus learning spaces.

(25) Campus learning spaces are allocated in accordance with the Academic Timetabling policy to optimise use. Teaching activities in campus learning spaces will be recorded in the University's timetable system.

(26) Spaces for learning will be provided to meet the maximum planned class size to ensure safety and emergency management requirements are met.

(27) Any proposed new course, or changes to existing teaching delivery of units (including equipment), requires consultation with the Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property to ascertain the impact of such proposals on available learning and teaching space resources.

(28) The Infrastructure and Property will be responsible for providing and maintaining the physical environment of campus learning spaces. In conjunction with Infrastructure and Property, eSolutions will be responsible for providing and maintaining the information and communication technology infrastructure within the space where the capacity of a room has been specified by Infrastructure and Property. Where such spaces are allocated to a specific Faculty or Portfolio, the Faculty or Portfolio will be responsible for the day to day management of these spaces, including compliance with regulatory requirements, providing consumables, optimising use including appropriate induction.

Research spaces

(29) The Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property is responsible for the development and regular review of the Research Infrastructure Plan (as a component of the Campus Infrastructure and Property Strategy) after consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, Institutes and Faculties.

(30) Space resources for staff and student research activities are allocated at the Faculty or Institute level and managed by the relevant Executive Dean or Director who is responsible for the assignment of specialist research space, including laboratories, workshops, studios and other research orientated space, within the Faculty or Institute’s allocated envelope of space.

(31) The assignment of research laboratory space generally will be for a fixed period of time. Research space is allocated on a needs basis. Allocations are reviewed on an annual basis and may be reallocated where a greater need is identified. Reviews are undertaken by the relevant Executive Dean or Director.

(32) Faculties and Institutes will provide an annual report to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and the Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property, on the allocation of assigned research space. This report will outline the allocation status of all research spaces, in terms of the relevant researcher or research team, the expected duration of the allocation and any proposed extensions or new allocations.

(33) Infrastructure and Property will provide the template for the research allocation report and ensure that the format of the data is consistent across the University.

(34) Workspace provision for Higher Degrees by Research students will be on the basis of requirement. Workpoints within the allocated workspace may be shared to promote greater utilisation. As a guideline, planning for additional workspace will commence when the utilisation of existing space exceeds 56% over any given four week period. Where required, appropriate write-up space will be provided as close as possible to any specialist space (laboratory, studio) necessary to the candidature.

(35) Any proposed new research program, or changes to existing research programs (including equipment), requires consultation with the Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property to determine the impact of such proposals on available research space resources.

Staff workspace

(36) The allocation of workspace will occur after consultation between the Infrastructure and Property and relevant stakeholders in the Faculty or Portfolio area. The collaborative process will take into account the functional requirements of staff and the size and location of available space.

(37) The planning and allocation of workspace supports the shift in mind-set of workspace usage from ‘I own’ to ‘We share’ by allowing exploration of strategies for flexible working and workpoint sharing. Allocation of workspace will take account of utilisation data. Workpoints within the allocated workspace may be shared to promote increase in utilisation.

(38) The workspace planning allocation for new and refurbished projects will be based on a 1:1.2 workpoint-to staff ratio.

(39) The planning of workspace centres around three key zones: Workspace, Connect and Service. Other zones may also be included where relevant and specific to particular Faculties and Portfolios. A range of workspace types and planning ratios that support the different ways staff work and promote productivity will be available in each of the zones.

(40) The Workspace zone allows for thinking, quiet work, concentration, and focus activities. It comprises a variety of enclosed and open spaces with access to a range of workpoint setting types, including individual workpoints, group workbenches, focus rooms, focus pods and support spaces such as conversation rooms and recording rooms.  All Workspace zone areas where computer work occurs will meet ergonomic standards in layout and equipment provided.  As a guideline, the Workspace zone planning ratio should be approximately 55% of the usable floor area.

(41) The Connect zone allows staff to meet with students, with each other and allows for support team and cross team collaboration. Connect zones can have cafe style fit outs, lounges, informal meeting spaces, formal meeting rooms and consultation rooms. Connect zone spaces used as work areas will meet ergonomic standards in layout and equipment provided.  As a guideline, the Connect zone planning ratio should be approximately 35% of the usable floor area.

(42) A Service zone allows for necessary services that support the operations of the workspace and building occupants. It comprises amenities, specialist storage requirements, utility and concierge. As a guideline, the Service zone planning ratio should be approximately 10% of the usable floor area.

(43) Facilities and amenities will meet or be equivalent to the requirements of the Workplace Amenities and Work Environment Compliance Code (Vic). In addition, staff will be provided with reasonable access to inclusive ancillary spaces such as parent rooms and prayer rooms.

(44) As a general guideline, the overall space allocation provides up to 12m2 useable floor area per workpoint, including the Connect zone spaces such as collaboration, meeting rooms, and consult spaces, as detailed in Schedule A: Space Planning and Utilisation Guidelines.

(45) The extent of enclosed spaces (partitions extending to the ceiling) within a workspace zone will be assessed on a project-by-project basis but, as a general guideline, be limited to 30% of useable floor area.

(46) The Workspace zone, a private and quiet space, will be provided with an appropriate level of secure access, however this will not hinder potential sharing of these spaces by other staff as required.

(47) HDR workpoints will be available for booking as required.  The Infrastructure and Property will monitor booked use and where appropriate increase the provision of workpoints when the utilisation rate averages more than 56% over any given four week period.

(48) The Connect zone will be a shared space. The use of such spaces, including consult rooms and meeting rooms, will be managed through a booking system.

(49) Access to shared open work spaces will be available to sessional academic staff (including visitors and honorary academics), including access to computers and the Deakin network. The workspace needs of sessional academic staff will be managed via hot desk facilities. Lockers may be provided within the shared open workspace. Management of locker allocation to sessional academic staff is the responsibility of Faculties and Portfolios.

(50) Personal collections, such as books, materials or art work, are not to be accommodated within University spaces unless approved by the Head of School or Institute/Divisional Director. It is expected that such collections be accommodated within the standard storage allocated to the workspace.

(51) Formal and informal meeting spaces will be available within the Connect zone. Meeting rooms will be bookable on the relevant University room booking system and accessible by staff from all areas of the University.  Generally, meeting rooms will only be dedicated to one organisational unit where there are exceptional operational requirements and there is agreement between that area and the Infrastructure and Property that exclusive use is warranted.

New staff appointments

(52) A new staff member will generally be expected to be located in the same workspace as their predecessor.

(53) When a role is offered at more than one campus, the Hiring Manager should contact the Infrastructure and Property to ensure the availability of appropriate space at these locations if no such space exists within the Faculty or Portfolio’s overall space allocation.


(54) The following storage options will be available with the Workspace zone:

  1. Personal secure storage – either in the form of an individual pedestal unit or a personal locker, located close to the Workspace zone to ensure ease of access.
  2. Accessible, ergonomic, secure space to store equipment and personal items where staff are sharing desks or regularly hot-desking.
  3. Team based storage – such as lockable tambour units, for storage of papers or books, on an as-needs basis.
  4. Secure Storage – a shared secure lockable storage room for confidential storage such as exam papers and large volume items, where needed.
  5. Bulky Good Storage – to be determined in consultation with the Infrastructure and Property prior to the purchase of such items.
  6. Accessible wet weather areas for leaving umbrellas and coats.

(55) The Infrastructure and Property is responsible for the initial design of storage areas to meet OHS and disability access requirements, following consultation with the relevant work area.

(56) It is expected that all Faculties and Portfolios manage storage requirements within their workspace allocation. Ongoing storage of files to meet compliance requirements will be determined in conjunction with the University Records/Archives should the workspace storage area reach capacity.

Space audits

(57) The Infrastructure and Property will conduct regular space audits and report to relevant Faculties and Portfolios on overall and specific room use.  Under-utilisation of space may result in the reallocation of space in line with overall University strategic priorities. Any changes to allocation will occur through appropriate consultation with the relevant Faculty or Portfolio.

(58) The Infrastructure and Property will provide an annual report to the Finance and Business Affairs Committee on the use of learning and teaching space, research space, student support space and staff workspace. The report will outline how the University is optimising its use of space.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(59) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. campus learning spaces (General): spaces generally equipped and configured for the delivery of classes and categorised by capacity/size, structure, facilities and equipment. These are centrally allocated via the University timetable.
  2. campus learning spaces (Specialist): includes laboratories, studios, workshops and similar types of spaces which are designed, equipped and configured for a specific purpose. The specialist features of such spaces limit their suitability for general teaching. While not centrally bookable, their use will be scheduled on the University timetable.
  3. connect zone: allow staff to meet with students, with each other and support team and cross team collaboration. Connect zones can have cafe style fitouts, lounges, informal meeting spaces, formal meeting rooms, consult rooms, refresh hub etc.
  4. research space: research spaces include laboratories, workshops, or other room types if their primary purpose is research or research support.
  5. room utilisation: a measure of room use (against room availability) during standard University teaching hours (8am to 10pm Monday to Friday).
  6. service zone: allows for necessary services that support the operations of the workspace and building occupants. It compromises amenities, specialist storage requirements, utility, concierge etc.
  7. workspace zone: comprises of a variety of enclosed and open spaces with access to a range of workpoint setting types, including individual workpoints, group workbenches, focus rooms, focus pods and support spaces such as conversation rooms, recording rooms etc.