(1) This Policy is effective from 6 July 2022. (2) This Policy outlines the requirements for staff who are offered gifts or hospitality in connection with their work or association with the University. (3) This Policy applies to all staff and associates of the University. (4) This Policy does not apply to: (5) Staff and associates must not use their position or association with the University to seek gifts or benefits from a third party. (6) Gifts that are offered to staff, associates or family members as part of University business must not be accepted in the following circumstances: (7) Where none of the prohibitions in clauses 5 or 6 apply a gift may be accepted only on condition that the assessment, approval and registration requirements of this Policy are met. (8) Staff and associates who are offered and/or have accepted a gift that is not consistent with the requirements of this Policy must inform their leader. (9) Staff and associates who become aware of a non-compliance with this Policy must manage the non-compliance in accordance with the Compliance Management policy. (10) Prior to accepting a gift, staff and associates must assess the financial value of the gift and ensure that appropriate approval requirements are met: (11) Where the gift is being received by a member of the Senior Executive Team, approval must be given by the Vice-Chancellor. Where the gift is being received by the Vice-Chancellor, another member of the Executive must approve the acceptance of the gift. (12) A gift with a value at or over $500 that can be retained by the University such as an artwork becomes the property of the University. (13) Where the value of a gift is not known, the staff member or associate must consult their leader. In such circumstances the value will be established based on what a reasonable person would consider the value of the gift. (14) University staff are encouraged to attend and/or present at conferences directly relevant to their area of academic or professional expertise. Any offer made by an external entity to cover the costs of participation (including accommodation, meals or flights) must be reasonable and proportionate, and is not required to be reported where this is the case. (15) Any gift which could be deemed to be sensitive to any culture (e.g. traditional costume, boomerang, musical instrument) must be reported to Risk, Compliance and Business Continuity. An assessment will be made in consultation with the General Counsel to ensure that any community/international customs and regulatory requirements are considered before accepting the gift. (16) Any Aboriginal artefacts (including Aboriginal human remains, or burial clothing) donated to an individual or to the University, must be declared to the Director, National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation Institute. The Director, National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation Institute will determine whether these artefacts must be donated to the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council in accordance with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic) or can be accepted by the University. (17) All gifts offered or accepted that are valued at $200 or greater must be registered by completing the Gift and Hospitality Registration Form. (18) The Gift Register will be maintained by Risk, Compliance and Business Continuity who will report to the Vice-Chancellor biannually with the list of gifts that have been reported and accepted. (19) Staff and associates who fail to report or register a reportable gift received may be subject to disciplinary proceedings in accordance with the Staff Discipline procedure. (20) Where it is not appropriate for a gift to be received by an individual staff member or associate (for instance, a gift that is meant for a group or for the entire University) an individual may accept the gift on behalf of a group or the University. The same approval requirements exist as for any gift to an individual. For the purposes of assessing the value of gifts offered to, or accepted on behalf of, a group, it is the total value of the gift or series of gifts that should be assessed, not the value per staff member. (21) In exceptional circumstances it may be impracticable for a staff member or associate to follow the normal assessment and approval process, for example when engaged on international visits or hosting an international visit. (22) In these circumstances the assessment and approval steps must be completed as soon as practicable. (23) There is no attendant procedure. (24) For the purpose of this Policy:Gifts and Hospitality Acceptance policy
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Policy
Assessment and approval required for acceptance of gifts
Gifts of cultural significance
Registration requirements for acceptance of gifts
Acceptance of gifts on behalf of a group or the University
Exceptional circumstances
Section 5 - Procedure
Section 6 - Definitions
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