Status and Details
This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for the Implementation Officer and relevant enquiries contact and, on the right, a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.
On 8 November 2021 amendments were made to the Internal Audit policy Schedule A: Internal Audit Charter to: replace the Senior Audit Manager with the Internal Audit Manager in relation to authority to have direct access to the Chair, Audit and Risk Committee in the event they wish to raise concerns over the independence of the Director Internal Audit, Risk and Compliance; and other minor changes including relocating content previously set out in Limitations to the Independence and Objectivity section.Internal Audit policy
Indicates if this version of the document is in effect (Current), yet to come into effect (Future), or expired (Historic).
Effective Date
9th November 2021
This is the date on which this version of the document came into effect.
Review Date
9th November 2022
The next review of this document is scheduled to commence on this date.
Approval Authority
University Council
The noted authority approved this is version of the document.
Approval Date
23rd November 2020
This is the date on which this version of the document was approved by the authorised authority.
Expiry Date
5th July 2022
This is the date on which this version expires. It may still apply, conditionally, after this date.
Implementation Officer
Peter Clarke
Director, Audit, Risk and Business Continuity
+61 3 52278530
This is the officer generally responsible for day to day administrative matters.
Responsible Executive
Iain Martin
This is the senior officer with responsibility for the document.
Enquiries Contact
Peter Clarke
Director, Audit, Risk and Business Continuity
+61 3 52278530
General enquiries should be directed to the officer/area listed.
Summary of Changes from Previous Version
Clauses Amended:Policy: Scheule A: Internal Audit Charter