Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for the Implementation Officer and relevant enquiries contact and, on the right, a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Recruitment of Staff procedure

Show Field Notes
Status Historic Indicates if this version of the document is in effect (Current), yet to come into effect (Future), or expired (Historic).
Effective Date 6th July 2017 This is the date on which this version of the document came into effect.
Review Date 6th July 2020 The next review of this document is scheduled to commence on this date.
Approval Authority Vice-Chancellor The noted authority approved this is version of the document.
Approval Date 3rd July 2017 This is the date on which this version of the document was approved by the authorised authority.
Expiry Date 3rd June 2018 This is the date on which this version expires. It may still apply, conditionally, after this date.
Implementation Officer Gwen Tinkler
Executive Director, Human Resources
This is the officer generally responsible for day to day administrative matters.
Enquiries Contact Human Resources Division
+61 3 92468144
General enquiries should be directed to the officer/area listed.

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

This Procedure was revised to align with the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2017, in particular:

- new requirement that an EOI process is required where EA requires EOI process to be undertaken eg. Professional flexi-span positions, and Teaching Scholar position; and that positions are only advertised when cannot be filled through EOI process

- new clauses 24 and 25 setting out what information is to be set out in job advertisements, including contract periods

- relocation of sections on Fit and Proper Person declarations, National Police Record Check, Medical Check, Working with Children Check to clauses 61-76

- the WWC Check section (cl.72-64) has been revised to ensure compliance with the Working with Children Act, and now clearly sets out that: for positions designated as requiring a WWC check that the preferred candidate must pass and provide evidence of WWC check; role of the Faculty or Portfolio to monitor and compliance of WWC Check; and that appointments may proceed pending evidence of WWC check however alternative duties may need to be allocated until WWC check is provided

- new sub-clause added to 80b setting out that evidence of satisfactory completion of pre-employment requirements is required  before employment can be confirmed.

-  typographical errors and nonclementure revised as appropriate.