Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
How to make a comment?
1. Use this to open a comment box for your chosen Section, Part, Heading or clause.
2. Type your feedback into the comments box and then click "save comment" button located in the lower-right of the comment box.
3. Do not open more than one comment box at the same time.
4. When you have finished making comments proceed to the next stage by clicking on the "Continue to Step 2" button at the very bottom of this page.
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DO NOT exit from the interface until you have completed all three stages of the submission process.
(1) This Procedure is effective from 2 February 2023. (2) This Procedure documents the requirements for job design and evaluation of position descriptions at the University but does not cover remuneration reviews or personal classification. (3) This Procedure does not apply to casual professional or sessional academic staff positions. (4) This Procedure is pursuant to the Employment of Staff Policy. (5) Heads of Organisational Units must ensure positions in their area are classified appropriately and reviewed regularly as part of their DeakinAchieve Performance and Development Program for the work performed, are part of an appropriate structure, align with Deakin’s Job Framework and contribute to the achievement of the University's strategic goals, and operational and functional plans. (6) Professional staff positions are classified, and duties and responsibilities are allocated, in accordance with the established descriptors for Higher Education Workers (HEW) Level 1-10 as set out in Schedule B of the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2023. (7) Academic staff positions are classified as Level A-E with reference to the Minimum Standards and Typical Duties for Academic Levels (Minimum Standards) in the Academic Promotion Policy. (8) Heads of Organisational Units are responsible for planning new positions to reflect the needs of their areas overall Workforce plan. Any new positions must be approved as part of their staffing profile and be consistent with Deakin’s operating model principles. (9) Where a new position is required, the relevant Head of Organisational Unit will liaise with their Senior People and Culture Partner and the relevant leader to develop the position description in alignment with Deakin’s Job Framework. (10) The relevant Head of Organisational Unit will liaise with their Senior People and Culture Partner and arrange for the approval of the new position and the position description, in accordance with the Recruitment of Staff Procedure. (11) Academic staff position description templates, aligned with Deakin’s Job Framework, contain the Minimum Standards. These may be modified to ensure they accurately reflect the role but must retain the compulsory paragraph that refers to the Minimum Standards, the Faculty Research Expectation Models and the Faculty Workload Allocation Model. (12) All new or vacant Professional staff position descriptions are developed in consultation with the area’s Senior People and Culture Partner who will determine the appropriate HEW classification in accordance with the HEW descriptors as set out in Schedule B of the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2023 and in alignment with Deakin’s Job Framework. (13) The manager can then proceed to recruitment to fill the vacant position in accordance with the Recruitment of Staff Procedure. (14) For Professional staff positions that are occupied by staff, a staff member and/or leader may seek a review of the classification of the position where the duties and responsibilities have changed and/or it is considered that the position is no longer accurately classified. (15) The staff member and leader will complete the Job Evaluation Application form and obtain signed approval from their Head of Organisational Unit and submit to their Senior People and Culture Partner. (16) The application for reclassification will be allocated to a Senior People and Culture Partner who will determine the appropriate classification for the role.The Senior People and Culture Partner may seek any further information as necessary. (17) People Operations will notify the leader and the staff member in writing of the decision. Where the classification review does not result in a change to the classification the Chief People and Culture Officer or nominee will refer the application to a Classification Review Committee (CRC). (18) The CRC will be comprised of two nominated representatives of the University and two nominated representatives of the NTEU who are appropriately trained in job evaluation methodology. (19) The CRC will make one of the following recommendations to the Chief People and Culture Officer or nominee: (20) The Chief People and Culture Officer or nominee will consider and give due regard to the recommendation of the CRC and decide on the appropriate classification for the position. The Chief People and Culture Officer or nominee will provide reasons in writing to the leader, the staff member and the NTEU where the recommendation of the CRC is not accepted. (21) A staff member may appeal the outcome of a CRC review to the Vice-Chancellor on the grounds that: (22) Where a staff member appeals the outcome of a classification this must be in writing. All appeals must be submitted via People and Culture within 10 working days of the date of the decision by the Chief People and Culture Officer or nominee in clause 21. People and Culture will coordinate with the Vice-Chancellor to establish a Classification Appeal Committee (CAC). (23) The Vice-Chancellor or nominee will consider the recommendations of the CAC. The decision of the Vice-Chancellor or nominee is final and will be communicated to the staff member, their leader and NTEU in writing as soon as practicable. The Vice-Chancellor or nominee will provide reasons in writing to the leader, the staff member and the NTEU where the Vice-Chancellor or nominee does not accept the recommendations of the CAC, or where there is a split recommendation of the CAC. A recommendation to change the classification of the staff member, if approved by the Vice-Chancellor, will apply from the date of lodgement of the review referred to in clause 15. (24) Where an Academic staff member seeks promotion to a higher level, the Academic Promotion Policy and procedure applies. (25) Where a staff member receives a promotion to a higher academic level, the relevant Head of Organisational Unit will revise the position description. Expected outcomes will be defined for this role in accordance with the Minimum Standards and Faculty Research Expectation Models. Specific duties will be allocated with reference to the applicable Work Allocation Model.Job Design and Evaluation procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Job design
New positions
Approval of new position descriptions - Academic staff
Approval of new or vacant position descriptions - Professional staff
Review of position classifications - Professional staff
Academic promotions
Section 6 - Definitions