
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Gifts and Hospitality Acceptance procedure

Section 1 - Preamble

(1) This Procedure is effective from 20 December 2022.

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Section 2 - Purpose

(2) This Procedure outlines the requirements for staff who are offered gifts or hospitality in connection with their work or association with the University.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to all staff and associates of the University and includes the controlled entities.

(4) This Procedure does not apply to:

  1. donations, bequests, awards and grants received by the University, including gifts of cultural significance. These are managed in accordance with the Philanthropic Gifts policy
  2. the donation of Library Materials, which are managed in accordance with the Library Donations procedure
  3. the giving of gifts to external parties in connection to work or association with the University. These are managed in accordance with the Business Expenses Policy
  4. the purchase of gifts for University staff and associates. These are managed in accordance with the Business Expenses Policy (clause 42) and the Procurement policy (clause 8a).
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Section 4 - Policy

(5) This Procedure is pursuant to the Integrity policy.

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Section 5 - Procedure

(6) Staff and associates must conduct themselves lawfully, properly and ethically and must not use their position or association with the University to seek gifts or benefits from a third party. A general presumption applies that gifts given to staff in the course of employment or University duties are gifts to the University and are accepted on that basis, and are to be disclosed and delivered to the University.

Prohibited Gifts

(7) The following gifts offered to staff, associates or family members as part of University business must not be accepted under any circumstances:

  1. a gift of cash;
  2. where acceptance places an obligation on the University or a member of staff;
  3. where the gift relates to a procurement process with a current or potential supplier; or
  4. where the gift may create or be perceived by a reasonable person to create a conflict of interest as defined in the Declaration of Interest procedure.

Acceptance of Gifts

(8) The financial value of gifts must be ascertained and acceptance is subject to the following requirements:

Value Classification Acceptance Disclosure Additional Requirements
<$200 Nominal Yes Disclosure to leader  
$200-$500 Reportable Yes subject to approval by leader Disclosure to leader
Central disclosure and registration via Gift and Hospitality Registration Form
Executive must seek approval of the Vice-Chancellor
Vice-Chancellor must seek endorsement from a member of the Executive
>$500 Reportable Yes subject to approval by leader Central disclosure and registration via Gift and Hospitality Registration Form Executive must seek approval of the Vice-Chancellor
Vice-Chancellor must seek endorsement from the Chancellor

(9) The Gift Register will be maintained by the Director, Audit, Risk and Business Continuity who will report to the Vice-Chancellor biannually.

Exceptional circumstances

(10) In exceptional circumstances it may be impracticable for a staff member or associate to follow the normal assessment and approval process, for example when engaged on international visits or hosting an international visit. In these circumstances, the assessment and approval steps must be completed as soon as practicable.


(11) Staff and associates who become aware of a non-compliance with this Procedure must manage the non-compliance in accordance with the Compliance Management policy.

(12) Staff and associates who fail to report or register a reportable gift received may be subject to disciplinary proceedings in accordance with the Staff Discipline procedure.

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Section 6 - Definitions

(13) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. associate: contractors, consultants, volunteers, visiting appointees and visitors to the University.
  2. conflict of interest: see Declaration of Interest procedure.
  3. family member: includes immediate family (as defined in the Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2023) and anyone else who is known to have been or is related to the staff member or associate.
  4. gift (or hospitality): a gift, hospitality or benefit under this Procedure is something of monetary value or worth, or other advantage or privilege derived as a result of a business-related relationship connected with the University. Examples could include a dinner at a restaurant, tickets to attend a sporting or cultural event, other offers of hospitality or travel, an item given for a religious or cultural celebration, or presented on reaching agreement with a supplier, etc.
  5. procurement process: any pricing or engagement process undertaken with a potential supplier for the provision of goods or services.
  6. staff: a member of the academic or professional staff, Executive or Honoraries appointed by the University.