Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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(1) This Procedure is effective from 18 April 2024. (2) This Procedure is pursuant to the External Relationships and Partnerships policy, Travel policy and Vice-Chancellor Regulations. (3) This Procedure governs the development, approval, maintenance and evaluation of Student International Programs and any Student International Placements within University Academic Programs. (4) This Procedure applies throughout the University for the provision and approval of Student International Programs and Student International Placements. For the purposes of this Procedure, it does not include programs and placements in relation to Higher Degrees by Research students. (5) Refer to the External Relationships and Partnerships policy and Travel policy. (6) An Academic-led International Program Proposal ('Proposal'), which forms a credit bearing elective unit, must be established with support of the Head of School, in liaison with Senior Manager, Global Mobility and comply with any requirements set out in the Travel policy and the Travel procedure. At least two staff must accompany students on an Academic-led Program. (7) The Proposal must be approved by the Faculty Executive Dean or delegate prior to an application being submitted to the relevant Faculty committee for approval of the new unit. (8) Programs must be registered and promoted utilising StudioAbroad. Any promotional activities associated with the Academic-led International Program must be managed by the Faculty Office in consultation with the Faculty marketing area where appropriate. Promotional material must state the Program cost and outline who is responsible for payment. (9) Eligibility of students to participate in Academic-led International Programs will be determined by the Faculty Office on the basis of a student's relevant course rules and/or requirements. (10) Adequate selection processes must be established by the Faculty Office that evaluate a student's academic performance and personal characteristics to effectively participate in an International Program prior to approval. Final selection of students must be based on academic performance and interview, in consultation between the Academic Leader, Faculty Staff and Senior Manager, Global Mobility or nominee. (11) The Faculty Office must ensure that all selected students are enrolled in the appropriate elective unit once acceptance has been confirmed by a student. (12) All participants must attend a compulsory pre-departure session provided by the Faculty Office or Global Mobility Office (as agreed between the two Offices) in collaboration with the Academic Leader, encompassing health, safety, in-country and cultural information, documentation and academic requirements. (13) In accordance with the Travel policy, all staff and students must have travel insurance for the duration of the Program. (14) At least one nominated Faculty Staff member must travel with a University corporate credit card whilst on an Academic-led International Program. (15) The Faculty Office or Global Mobility Office must provide the following documentation to the Faculty Executive Dean or delegate on behalf of the group at least two weeks prior to departure: (16) In accordance with the Travel policy and the Travel procedure, the Faculty Staff member must register their travel on TEMS prior to departure and at least two weeks prior to departure. The Faculty Office must ensure that a nominated staff member travelling on Academic-led International Programs provides the following documentation to participating students and that students are advised that they must travel with these documents: (17) All staff must ensure that they have a copy of, and travel with, the following documents: (18) In the event of a critical incident and in accordance with the Critical Incident Management policy, the Academic Leader or other accompanying staff member(s) must: (19) In accordance with the Vice-Chancellor Regulations, the Vice-Chancellor and staff may give reasonable and lawful directions to students. (20) Exclusion from the Program can occur in the event that students or staff: (21) Exclusion of student participants from the Program must be compliant with the requirements set out in the Vice-Chancellor Regulations and/or Student Misconduct procedure and any steps undertaken must initially be in consultation with the Faculty Executive Dean or nominee and Senior Manager, Global Mobility. (22) In the event of student participant exclusion related to severe illness or misconduct, the Academic Leader or other accompanying staff member(s) in liaison with Senior Manager, Global Mobility will arrange for the participant's return flight and any costs incurred will be refunded to the University by the participant and/or insurance provider. (23) In the event of a staff associated incident, emergency or illness, the Faculty Executive Dean or nominee, upon notification, will decide on a relevant course of action to ensure duty of care and student satisfaction is maintained. (24) Academic Leaders or other accompanying staff member must conduct a debrief session with students upon return to discuss the running of the program and the associated academic requirements. The debrief session may be conducted online or face to face. (25) The Faculty Office must conduct a student survey (as provided by Global Mobility Office) after the completion of the program. The outcomes will be used to inform future planning of Programs. (26) Academic Leaders must provide a report on Program funds spent throughout the duration of the Program to the Senior Manager, Global Mobility or department responsible for budget allocation. (27) The Faculty Office will arrange for any substantial unspent funds remaining from the Program to be refunded to the students within three months. (28) Registration of the Exchange or Study Abroad Program is created in StudioAbroad by designated Global Mobility Office staff. (29) Eligibility of students to participate in an Exchange or Study Abroad Program is determined by Global Mobility Office staff in consultation with the Faculty Office. (30) In accordance with the Travel policy, the international host institution must be assessed for quality and safety. (31) Adequate selection processes must be established by the Global Mobility Office that evaluates a student's academic performance and interpersonal capabilities to effectively participate in an Exchange or Study Abroad Program. (32) The Global Mobility Office may refuse to approve an individual student's participation in an Exchange or Study Abroad Program based on evidence related to aggressive and/or anti-social current or past behaviour that may indicate the student could endanger the wellbeing, health and safety of other students or individuals or the host institution or local community. (33) The Global Mobility Office must coordinate with the student and Faculty Office to ensure that all selected students are enrolled in the associated units once acceptance has been confirmed by a student. (34) The Global Mobility Office may refuse to approve an Exchange or Study Abroad Program on the following basis: (35) In accordance with the Vice-Chancellor Regulations, the Vice-Chancellor and staff may give reasonable and lawful directions to students. (36) A student may be excluded prior to or during their Exchange or Study Abroad Program as pursuant any requirements of the Vice-Chancellor Regulations and/or Student Misconduct procedure and any steps undertaken must initially be in consultation with the Faculty Executive Dean or nominee and Senior Manager, Global Mobility. (37) All students approved for an Exchange or Study Abroad Program must participate in a compulsory pre-departure session provided by the Global Mobility Office encompassing health, safety, in-country and cultural information, documentation and academic requirements. (38) All students must have travel insurance for the duration of the Program and register with the appropriate travel registration area included on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website as required under the Travel policy and the Travel procedure. (39) The Global Mobility Office must advise students that they are required to travel with the following documents: (40) In the event of a critical incident, the student must contact the host institution and notify the Global Mobility Office. The Office will complete and submit a Critical Incident Report to the Director, Global Mobility. The student will be advised by the Global Mobility Office to take one or all of the following actions dependent on the situation: (41) Responsibility for costs incurred by a student or student's next of kin or family as a result of a critical incident are determined in accordance with the requirements of the Critical Incident Management procedure. (42) After the completion of each placement the Global Mobility Office is required to: (43) Initial registration of the International Placement is made in StudioAbroad by Faculty Office or Global Mobility Office. (44) Eligibility of students to participate in an International Placement will be determined by the Faculty Office on the basis of a student's relevant course rules and/or requirements. (45) Organisations and locations of the International Placement must be assessed for quality and safety, in accordance with the Travel policy. (46) Promotional and/or application material must clearly state students’ responsibility regarding costs associated with the placement. (47) Adequate selection processes must be established by Faculty Approvers that evaluate a student's academic performance and personal characteristics to effectively participate in an International Placement prior to approval being granted for International Placements. (48) As part of the application process via StudioAbroad, students are required to accept their responsibilities as Deakin ambassadors on the Program. (49) The Faculty Approver may refuse to approve an individual student's participation on an International Placement based on evidence related to aggressive and/or anti-social current or past behaviour that may indicate the student could endanger the health and safety of other students or individuals or the host organisation or local community. (50) The Faculty Office must ensure that all selected students are enrolled in the associated unit that includes the placement (if applicable) once acceptance has been confirmed by a student. (51) The Faculty Approver may refuse to approve an International Placement on the following basis: (52) In accordance with the Vice-Chancellor Regulations, the Vice-Chancellor and staff may give reasonable and lawful directions to students. (53) A student may be excluded prior to or during their International Placement as pursuant any requirements of the Vice-Chancellor Regulations and Student Misconduct procedure and any steps undertaken must initially be in consultation with the Faculty Approver in consultation with the Faculty Office and Senior Manager, Global Mobility. (54) All students approved for International Placements must attend or complete on-line a compulsory pre-departure session provided by the Faculty Office or Academic Leader or Global Mobility Office (as agreed by the two Offices) encompassing health, safety, in-country and cultural information, documentation and academic requirements. (55) All students must have travel insurance for the duration of the Program and register with the appropriate travel registration area included on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website as required under the Travel policy and the Travel procedure. (56) The Faculty Office and Global Mobility Office must record the following information on StudioAbroad prior to departure: (57) The Faculty Office must advise students that they are required to travel with the following documents: (58) In the event of a critical incident and pursuant to the Critical Incident Management policy, the student must contact the Faculty Office who will liaise with the Senior Manager, Global Mobility to: (59) Responsibility for costs incurred by a student or student's next of kin or family as a result of a critical incident are determined in accordance with the requirements of the Critical Incident Management procedure. (60) After the completion of each placement the Faculty Office is required to: (61) For the purpose of this Procedure:Student International Programs and Placements Procedure
Section 1 - Preamble
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedure
Student International Programs (Academic-led)
Establishment and approval of programs
Approval and selection of students
Prior to departure
While overseas
Evaluation and review
Student International Programs (Exchange and Study Abroad)
Prior to departure
While overseas
Evaluation and review
The outcomes will be used to inform future planning of Exchange and Study Abroad Programs.Student International Placements
Approval and selection
Prior to departure
While overseas
Evaluation and review
Top of Page
The outcomes will be used to inform future planning of placements.Section 6 - Definitions