
Welcome to Deakin's Policy Library

Here you will find the University's approved policies and procedures.

Deakin University is committed to a policy framework that best reflects our value of inclusion and provides a safe and supportive environment for all staff and students. This includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people of diverse genders, sex and sexualities, people with disability, people of all ages and socio-economic status and people from diverse cultural backgrounds and religions.

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Can't find what you're looking for? Email policy@deakin.edu.au or phone 524 78534.

Information about processes for developing and writing policies and procedures can be found here.

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  • Taxation PolicyThe Taxation Policy sets out the University's compliance with all legal requirements concerning the administration of taxation.
  • Travel policyThis Policy relates to the exercise of an appropriate duty of care by the University towards individuals travelling on its behalf and the University's expectations in relation to travel arrangements and supporting documentation.
  • Travel procedureThis Procedure provides those staff travelling on the University's behalf with a clear and consistent understanding of the University's expectations in relation to travel, including the approval process and information regarding pre-departure, risk management, tax and insurance purposes, reconciliation and reimbursement.
  • Treasury Management ProcedureThe Treasury Management Procedure outlines how the University will effectively manage its treasury function and mitigate risks as identified in the Treasury policy.
  • Treasury PolicyThe Treasury policy sets out high-level principles for the management of the University's financial resources including:
    • establishing governance and risk management, including mitigation of financial risks and internal controls
    • optimal liquidity management
    • responsible borrowing and debt management
    • operational efficiencies
    • compliance with regulatory requirements
    • reporting requirements on the University’s treasury activities.