Welcome to Deakin's Policy Library
Here you will find the University's approved policies and procedures.
Deakin University is committed to a policy framework that best reflects our value of inclusion and provides a safe and supportive environment for all staff and students. This includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people of diverse genders, sex and sexualities, people with disability, people of all ages and socio-economic status and people from diverse cultural backgrounds and religions.
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Information about processes for developing and writing policies and procedures can be found here.
- Security ProcedureThis Procedure supports the University to provide University premises and facilities that are safe and secure at all times for University users and sufficient access to premises and facilities to help members of the University community to fulfil their needs and obligations.
- Sexual Harassment Response Procedure - GIFT City, IndiaThis Procedure outlines the way in which the University will support and respond to students, staff and associates who disclose sexual harassment as defined under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act and Rules, 2013, India, (collectively, the POSH Act/Rules), or the Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Policy.
- Sexual Harm Prevention and Response PolicyThe Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Policy outlines the University’s commitment and proactive approach to preventing sexual harm and the support available at the University in responding to sexual harm.
- Sexual Harm Response ProcedureThe Sexual Harm Response Procedure guides and informs the way in which the University will support and respond to any matter involving sexual harm.
- Smoking, Vaping and Tobacco free policyThis Policy promotes and facilitates a smoke and tobacco free environment for the health and wellbeing of all at the University. It applies to all students, staff and associates of the University.
- Social Media PolicyThe Social Media Policy sets out the University’s expected behaviour and conduct of students, staff and associates on social media.
- Space Management and Allocation procedureThe Space Management and Allocation procedure outlines the processes by which space is managed and allocated at the University.
- Space Management and Infrastructure policyThe Space Management and Infrastructure policy sets out principles for:
a) the good planning and management of campus infrastructure aligned with the University’s strategic and sustainability objectives and its operational needs
b) the efficient and effective allocation of physical space.
- Sponsorship of External Activities policyThis Policy indicates that the University may sponsor external activities that are consistent with its strategic objectives, aim to strengthen relationships with key stakeholder, maximise the University's promotional opportunities, or serve the University community and wider communities.
- Sponsorship of External Activities procedureThis Procedure provides the process by which staff members, students, community groups and organisations can apply to the University for sponsorship of a range of external activities.
- Staff Discipline procedureThe Staff Discipline procedure enables the University to establish and take appropriate staff disciplinary processes and actions when necessary.
- Strategic Growth Funds ProcedureThe Strategic Growth Funds Procedure outlines how residual balances from completed externally funded research and research consultancy projects are to be managed and used to support sustainable research capability.
- Student Academic Integrity policyThis Policy outlines the principles and responsibilities for promoting and supporting student academic integrity standards.
- Student Academic Integrity ProcedureThe Student Academic Integrity Procedure sets out the processes for educating students about academic integrity and responding to allegations of breaches of academic integrity standards and includes Schedule A Outcomes for Student Breaches of Academic Integrity.
- Student Appeals policyThis Policy applies to all student appeals and provides a framework for the University to respond to student appeals in a way that reflects the University’s commitment to principles of equity and social justice, and ensures that appeal processes are transparent, consistent and fair.
- Student Appeals procedureThis Procedure documents the appeals processes for students under the relevant academic progress, assessment, academic integrity, research integrity and student misconduct procedures relating to students enrolled in the University's award courses.
- Student Code of ConductThe Student Code of Conduct sets out the standards of responsible and ethical behaviour and conduct expected of Deakin students as part of contributing to a thriving, progressive, respectful and inclusive University community.
- Student Communication and Information policyThis Policy sets out the framework for effective and timely communication and information between the University and current and prospective students.
- Student Communication and Information procedureTo provide instruction for effective and timely communication with current and prospective students.
- Student Complaints Resolution policyThis Student Complaints Resolution policy provides a framework for responding to concerns and resolving complaints made by students in a way that contributes to a supportive and fair learning environment. It applies to concerns and complaints by current, former or prospective students.
- Student Complaints Resolution procedureThis Procedure documents the University's student complaints resolution process and outlines the avenues available for students to resolve their concerns or complaints.
- Student Financial Assistance policyThe Policy outlines the range of measures for financial assistance are administered and how eligible students can apply.
- Student Financial Assistance procedureThis Procedure sets out processes for the administration of the various measures for student financial assistance.
- Student International Programs and Placements ProcedureTo govern the development, approval, maintenance and evaluation of student international programs and any student international placements within University academic programs.
- Student Misconduct procedureThe Procedure details the process for dealing with Misconduct by students.
- Student Placement procedureThe Student Placement procedure sets out the processes to be followed by University staff, students and hosts when facilitating and managing compulsory and elective student placements.
- Support for Students PolicyThe Support for Students Policy sets out how Deakin University supports students experiencing academic difficulties to successfully complete their studies
- Surveillance and Location Tracking procedureThis Procedure governs the University’s approach to the use of surveillance and location tracking in its operations.
- Surveys ProcedureThis Procedure provides guidance for conduct of surveys undertaken or coordinated by staff members for University purposes.
- Sustainability PolicyThis Policy provides a framework for giving expression to the University’s commitment to integrating environmental, financial and social sustainability in University practices and decision making.