
Welcome to Deakin's Policy Library

Here you will find the University's approved policies and procedures.

Deakin University is committed to a policy framework that best reflects our value of inclusion and provides a safe and supportive environment for all staff and students. This includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people of diverse genders, sex and sexualities, people with disability, people of all ages and socio-economic status and people from diverse cultural backgrounds and religions.

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Can't find what you're looking for? Email policy@deakin.edu.au or phone 524 78534.

Information about processes for developing and writing policies and procedures can be found here.

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  • Faculty Boards procedureThe Faculty Boards Procedure sets out steps for the establishment and maintenance of Faculty Boards. It balances the need for a consistent approach across the University with flexibility for Faculties to meet their specific needs. It is underpinned by the University’s values of excellence, inclusion and ethical.
  • Family Violence (Staff and Student Support) policyThe Family Violence (Staff and Student Support) policy outlines the University's commitment to providing a learning and working environment that is safe and supportive of staff and students who are experiencing, or who have experienced family violence.
  • Family Violence (Staff Support) procedureThe Procedure outlines the steps that staff experiencing domestic or family violence can take to access a range of support mechanisms (including special leave).
  • Family Violence (Student Support) procedureThis Procedure outlines the steps students experiencing domestic or family violence can take to access available support mechanisms.
  • Flexible Working procedureThis Flexible Working procedure outlines the range of flexible work arrangements available at the University and the ways in which these mutually beneficial arrangements can apply and be managed.
  • Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Control procedureThe Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Control procedure outlines the University’s management of allegations of fraud and corrupt conduct and must be read in conjunction with the Integrity policy.